Adding spice ! Adventures as a Cultural Ambassador in China
Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2013
Trip to Beijing - Second Day
So after a pretty short night in the hostel that was ended at 6am by the unbearable heat in our room, I somehow managed to get dressed in the totally dark room and without waking any of my 5 roommates up and made my way straight to the MC 15minutes walking distance away to start my day with a nice cup of green tea. And on the way back hooked myself up with a huge pomelo, yogurt and a tupper ware at the supermarket. To be honest, I have no clue why the heck I bought this tupper ware box in the first place, it might have been sort of a need for my German self in search of some security or just the fact that it was cheap, or I don't know what haha. It ended up in the shopping cart though and actually in the end found a great use to first store my half eaten pomelo and later keep my jewelry and other precious items from breaking.
Anyway, so I had a nice pomelo and yogurt breakfast (haha, my whole room had a great citrus smell afterwards! - sorry roommates) and headed out with 5 layers under my pretty thick jacket to spend the day together with Camila at Bejing's Summer Palace. We met at the subway station right next to one of the entrances and headed for a whole day of beautiful view togehter with tons of other tourists - all of them Chinese though. So while we were strolling through this huge and amazing park with its gorgeous buildings and views, I had a great chat with Camila, sharing stories and also being silly together. Though as this park seemed like never ending and we were slowly losing the feeling in both our toes and fingertips, we desperately hunted down this place for a place to recover and get something into our stomach. Ending up at a restaurant that was really fancy pants and charged us ¥300 haha. But as my hostmom hooked me up with some money to 'play' in Beijing I happily treated us two to this nice lunch. Which included hot water. The hot water alone was worth the money. Oh I can't tell you how good it felt to regain control over my fingers again!
So after being physically and mentally strengthened, we continued our walk through the park, but as we were running out of time due to Camila still having to work that day, we slowly made our way to the exit and headed for the subway. So after talking to a Chinese guy in the metro (who was as kind as to give me a help getting a subway ticket) who recommended me to try a closeby market for some bargaining opportunities, it was already time to say by to Camila and hand her a tiny present I got for her back in Chengdu. What a sweet girl!
So at the market I found some more great deals to take home with me including some cute kitty decorations and bracelets aka stuff that noone really needs but that is too cute to not buy. So with a proud feeling in my belly and my newest trophies safely in my backpack I made my way back to the hostel. And man, was I tired after walking around outside the whole day. I immediately fell into bed and in the beginning even succesfully ignored my newest roommates snoring...

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Dezember 2013
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